The Library and Self-study Centre provide personal consultations, various trainings are organized to introduce students to the information stored in the library, the possibilities of searching for this information, newly implemented systems (introductory training for first-year students, information literacy training, eLABa training).
Modern spaces are available in the Library and Self-study Centre (hereinafter - LSSC) for both independent and group work. There are 95 workplaces (31 - computerized). Students can use copying, printing, and scanning services, popular is teamwork space, where lectures, training, education, seminars, and meetings are regularly held.
LSSC is equipped with 31 computerized workplaces, EZproxy software, which provides access to e-books and scientific information resources in subscribed databases, accessing it also from remote computers. Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution Virtual Library has an integrated search system that allows to search Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution library resources, the Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa), subscribed databases, and open access electronic resources.
Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution Library and Self-Study Centre is accessible to persons with reduced mobility, it has:
• Specialized height and angle adjustable table.
• Alternative computer mice TRAXSYS ROLLER JOYSTICK II
• HIGH CONTRAST KEYBOARD for the visually impaired.
• Topaz XL HD image magnifier
• Brilliant BI 40 portable electronic Braille device
• JAWS for Windows
• Wintalker Voice v. 1.6
• Dolphin EasyConverter
Library of Business and Technologies Faculty
Address: Aušros ave. 40, IIIrd floor, Faculty of Business and Technologies Ist building
Phone: +370 41 52 50 51, Email:
Working hours:
I–IV: 8:00–18:00, V: 8.00–16.00
Maintenance day: the last Friday of each month library is open 10.00–12.00
Library of Health Care Faculty
Address: M. K. Čiurlionio str. 16A
Phone: +370 41 52 41 66, Email:
Working hours:
I–V: 8.00–16.00
Maintenance day: the last Friday of each month library is open 10.00–12.00
1. Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution
2. Virtual Library of Šiauliai State Higher Education Institution
3. Open access resources
4. Subscribed databases in Šiauliai State Higher Education Institution
– EBSCO Publishing
– Taylor & Francis SHH Library and S&T Library
Remote access to subscribed databases at
The login password to connect to the EZProxy system is the same as your SVAKO ID.