The 4th Strategic partnership project “DIM-4-HE” meeting


On September 14-15th, the 4th international meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership project “DIM-4-HE - Development of Digital Internship Model and its support system for Higher Education” was hosted at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution.

Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution welcomed project partners from Latvia, Portugal, and Italy. During the two-day meetings, participants discussed the project activities, next steps, financial issues, final conference, and other topics.

Between the meetings, participants had time to visit the laboratories of Engineering, Informatics, and Transport Engineering study programs, take a trip to the Hill of Crosses, and try traditional Lithuanian dishes.

The focus of the project is Digital internships that provide an opportunity to students for professional experience either at the local or international level without the conventional requirement of being in an office. The project provides a digital internship model to three target groups: students, Higher Education Institutions and companies.

Project website 

Project partners:

College of Business Administration (Latvia) – Lead partner

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Center of Italy - Special Company of the Rieti Viterbo Chamber of Commerce (Italy)

Lusófona University (Portugal)

Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution (Lithuania)

