"Orientation Week" for incoming students – first impressions, new experiences


From March 10 to 14, Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution hosted "Orientation Week" for Erasmus+ exchange students.

On the first day, students met with Guoda, the coordinator of the International Relations Office, who introduced them to the Erasmus+ rules and the general academic regulations. Our institution's student mentors organized icebreaker games to help both new students and mentors get to know each other better. The international students also had a meeting with Laima Milkintaitė, a lecturer from the Social Work Department, where they discussed their first impressions of Lithuania, what they knew about the country before arriving, and how they were feeling about their experience so far. The day ended with an orientation game around Šiauliai, where students took creative photos at specific locations marked on a map while also exploring the city. All participating teams received prizes!

The second day coincided with Lithuanian Independence Restoration Day on March 11. Erasmus+ students, together with our institution's students and staff, participated in a festive flag-bearing procession and later joined other events happening in the city.

On the third day of Orientation Week, the international students visited the Šiauliai City Police Department. Community officer Donatas Verkys introduced them to Lithuanian laws, explained the rules of behavior in the city, and gave them a tour of the police station.

On the fourth day, Erasmus+ students attended a bookplate (ex-libris) workshop, led by Lolita Kivickienė, an educator from the Povilas Višinskis Public Library of Šiauliai County. After the workshop, they participated in a lecture on intercultural communication, presented by Dr. Rasa Pocevičienė, Head of the Studies and Science Coordination Unit.
On the final day, the Erasmus+ students watched a virtual reality film, "I Am Lithuania," at Hexa Cinema Šiauliai.

Currently, 18 students from Bulgaria, Latvia, Portugal, and Türkiye have arrived at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution for Erasmus+ studies and internships.

We wish them a successful semester full of academic and cultural experiences!
