Orientation week for incoming Erasmus+ students


The orientation week for "Erasmus+" students took place from 23rd to 25th September 2024 at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution. The activities were organized by International Relations Coordinator Guoda Kačinskaitė.

On the first day, incoming students had a meeting with International Relations Coordinators to learn about "Erasmus+" rules and general information about Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution. Lithuanian students, acting as "Erasmus+" mentors, organized games to help visiting students and mentors get to know each other better. Afterward, the students participated in an "Orientation game" around Šiauliai. The aim of the game was to get to know the city better and take creative photos in specific places. The three most creative teams were awarded prizes.

On the second day, "Erasmus+" students had a lecture with the Head of the Study and Science Coordination Unit, Dr. Rasa Pocevičienė, about intercultural communication. Following the lecture, the students visited the "VR arena" to experience virtual reality.

On the final day of the orientation week, incoming students met with Šiauliai Community Police Officer Darijus Malyševas, who provided information about fundamental Lithuanian laws to help the students avoid getting into trouble while in Lithuania. After the meeting, students had an excursion to the "Hill of Crosses."

We wish our "Erasmus+" students a successful semester!
