NEOLAiA European Universities Alliance: A Promising First Year in the Project
The European Universities Alliance NEOLAiA has completed an ambitious and successful first year of its four-year project funded by European Commission to create a more inclusive and innovative network of European universities. With numerous milestones achieved and foundational structures in place, NEOLAiA has set a strong precedent for collaboration, innovation and inclusivity between the partner institutions. Below is a comprehensive overview of the highlights and successes of NEOLAiA's first year.
Kick-off and Governance
The NEOLAiA project officially began with the 1st NEOLAiA Kick-Off Meeting, which took place in Brussels on February 7 and 8, 2024. At this central event, the representatives of all partner institutions came together to discuss the objectives and tasks of the project and outline the Alliance’s strategic objectives. NEOLAiA’s governing bodies were then launched to ensure a solid organisational structure to oversee and steer the Alliance’s various initiatives.
Communication and Dissemination
An important focus in the first year was the establishment of effective communication and dissemination channels. The Alliance:
established social media accounts to share updates, achievements and project results with a wider audience.
Created a comprehensive plan for dissemination and communication, ensuring alignment of messages between partners.
Launched a NEOLAiA communication and dissemination campaign to further strengthen the Alliance's public presence.
Operational foundations
Considerable progress has been made in formalising the operational structures:
A Project management framework was established to streamline processes and improve coordination between work packages.
The Task Force for Entrepreneurship (TAFE) issued its standard operating procedure, setting the stage for entrepreneurship initiatives.
A dedicated mobility support team was formed and established to facilitate student and staff exchanges between institutions.
Academic and Research Initiatives
NEOLAiA has made significant progress in promoting academic excellence and research collaboration:
Work Package 2 (Improving Teaching and Learning) completed a planning document for the creation of a Pedagogical Hub and Educational Realms, launched the Focus Academy, and began planning and disseminating Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs)
Work Package 3 (Diversity and Inclusion) introduced the NEOCharter for Diversity and Inclusion, which sets out the core values and guidelines for promoting inclusion within the Alliance.
Work Package 5 (Increasing Regional Research Impact) formalised a detailed work plan and organisational structure to increase the Alliance’s research presence.
The Alliance undertook a comprehensive effort to map research resources and synergies, laying the foundation for increased collaborative projects within its network.
Linguistic and Digital Innovations
Linguistic diversity and digital transformation were also prioritised:
Work Package 7 (Towards a plurilingual and intercultural European University) published a Language Policy White Paper and organised a successful Symposium on language policy at the University of Tours, France.
Work Package 9 (Digital transformation) launched the NEOLAiA Digital Identity Platform, an innovative initiative to improve digital collaboration.
Collaborative Platforms
To foster engagement and collaboration, NEOLAiA launched the following platforms:
The Shared Discussion Space – Virtual Café (, which creates an open forum for dialogue between members.
The NEOLAiA Traineeship Platform (, which facilitates student access to international internship opportunities.
Work Package 8 (Adopting and sustaining open science) made significant strides in adopting and sustaining open data practices. It published 23 datasets on the dedicated Open Data repository ( and launched a blog ( to share updates and insights on Open Science initiatives. Additionally, the team created the SPOD (Social Platform for Open Data), which is used to collaboratively create and manage datasets, promoting transparency and participation.
Representation at Key Conferences
NEOLAiA’s efforts and vision have been presented at international platforms, including:
Successful representation at the ERACON conference in Portugal.
Participation in the EURASHE conference in Austria.
Participation in the EAIE conference exhibition in France, together with over 20 other European university alliances.
Meetings and Reflections
Throughout the year, the Alliance held numerous virtual and in-person meetings to strengthen partnerships and assess progress. Key gatherings included on-site meetings in Salerno, Tours, Bielefeld, Ostrava, Suceava, Jaén and Örebro. An important meeting took place at the University of Nicosia on 23-25 October, 2024, where the Governing Board, Steering Committee and Executive Committee reflected on the year’s achievements, addressed challenges and celebrated successes.
A look into the future
As NEOLAiA moves into its second project year, the foundations laid in this first year promise a future of dynamic collaboration, innovation and inclusivity. With a clear vision, dedicated teams and a growing network of stakeholders, the Alliance is well on its way to fulfilling its mission of reshaping the European higher education landscape.
The European Universities Alliance NEOLAiA is a testament to the power of collaboration and shared ambition, and its first year has set the stage for even greater achievements in the years to come.
Follow NEOLAiA Alliance and our achievements on social media:
Facebook: NEOLAiA1
Instagram: neolaia.campus
LinkedIn: NEOLAiA
Youtube: NEOLAiA_Campus