External evaluation of Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences


After hearing the insights of authoritative Lithuanian and foreign experts for our higher education institution, we can be proud of great and meaningful work that we have done together.

The experts communicated with the heads of Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences, staff responsible for preparation of the self-assessment report, members of UAS Council, the Academic Council, heads of units, students, teachers, researchers and representatives of administrative units.

The group of experts inspected the material base of the higher education school, as well as talked with graduates and social partners.

Before leaving, the experts shared their feedback, general observations and summarized the 3-day work with the UAS community.

We sincerely thank everyone who was involved in the preparation for the evaluation, participated in the meetings with the experts and otherwise contributed to the process that is significant for the future of Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences. We believe that by working together and being open to opportunities, we will successfully develop new experiences and prospects for our Institution.

Together, in pursuit of one goal, we not only carry out specific tasks, but also constantly strengthen the community that is the basis for the implementation of the most ambitious ideas. We are thankful for your time, energy and effort, and we wish all of us to maintain close ties that allow us to turn any challenge into another opportunity for improvement.
