Exploring new horizons: Hanna Holovchak's insightful visit to Šiauliai University of Applied Sciences


Hanna Holovchak, Associate professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, since May 13, 2024. to 17.05.2024 took part in the Erasmus+ KA1 International academic credit mobility program at Šiauliai University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) during International staff week.

On the first day of mobility, Associate professor Hanna Holovchak presented a presentation about Lviv University and the Faculty of Economics, cultural and educational features and opportunities of Ukraine and Lviv University in particular.

During the mobility period, Hanna Holovchak held lectures for students of the "International Business" and "Office Management" educational programs on the topics "Digital accounting in Ukraine and Lithuania" and "Reporting of companies on sustainable development and ESG", faculties and master classes were visited at Šiauliai University and its social partners, including the inclusive center for people with special needs.

Meetings were also held with the rector, Dr. Lina Tamutiene, teachers and university administration, in particular, with the head of the Department of Business and Accounting, Dr. Erika Jonuškiene, where they discussed issues of further academic cooperation between departments and the establishment of scientific of relations between the Department of Business and Accounting of the Šiauliai University of Applied Sciences and the Department of Accounting and Auditing of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Thanks to the acquaintance with colleagues from other educational institutions of the European Union and the efforts of the organizers from the international office of Šiauliai University of Applied Sciences, a lot of new knowledge, skills and scientific contacts were obtained.

I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity for professional development and thanks to hospitable Lithuania and Lithuanian partners for the support and rich program of the visit!
