Assessment of Software Engineering Study Field at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija
On 27 February (Thursday) the Software Engineering study field assessment visit to Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija will take place.
During the visit, meetings of experts group with the administration, self-assessment development group, teachers, students are planned. The material resources of the studies will be discussed: study rooms, libraries and other facilities and resources, which will be chosen by the experts.
During meetings, students' course and graduation papers, final exam materials will also be discussed. Experts plan to meet with the graduates of the study field, employers and social partners. After a closed expert group meeting, representatives of Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija will be introduced to general observations during the visit.
The work of the group will be coordinated by Gabrielė Čėplaitė, Assessment Coordinator of the Institutional Evaluation Department of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education.
Contact person at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija – Skaistė Buivytė, study quality specialist, email, tel.: +370 41 52 37 69 69, +370 615 60 180