How to Arrive to Šiauliai

How to reach Šiauliai from Vilnius airport:
– Vilnius Airport (VNO) is 216 km from Šiauliai. You can reach Šiauliai by train or bus, however, to reach Vilnius bus station or Vilnius train station from Vilnius airport you will have to use taxi services. We suggest using the Bolt taxi app (it will be simpler and cheaper).
– How to get a bus or train ticket from Vilnius to Šiauliai? You can buy it at the station or on the Internet:
To get a bus ticket follow this link:
To get a train ticket follow this link:
How to reach Šiauliai from Kaunas airport:
– Kaunas Airport (KUN) is 145 km from Šiauliai. You can reach Šiauliai by bus or train. However, to reach Kaunas Bus station or Kaunas Train station from Kaunas airport you will have to use taxi services or public transport:
- – If you choose a taxi, we suggest using the Bolt taxi app (it will be simpler and cheaper).
- – If you choose public transport, you will find all the information here:
– How to get a bus or train ticket from Kaunas to Šiauliai? You can buy it at the station or on the Internet:
To get a bus ticket follow this link:
To get a train ticket follow this link:
How to reach Šiauliai from Palanga airport:
– Palanga Airport (PLQ) is 153 km from Šiauliai. You can reach Šiauliai by bus or train. However, to reach Palanga Bus station or Klaipėda Train station from Palanga airport you will have to use taxi services or public transport:
- – If you choose taxi, we suggest using the Bolt taxi app (it will simpler and cheaper).
- – If you choose public transport, you will find all the information here:
– How to get a bus or train ticket from Palanga to Šiauliai? You can buy it at the station or on the Internet:
To get a bus ticket follow this link:
To get a train ticket follow this link:
How to reach Šiauliai from Riga airport:
– Riga Airport (RIX) is 137 km. from Šiauliai. You can reach Šiauliai with Ollex buses. The Ollex buses will take you directly from the Riga Airport to Šiauliai bus station.
To get an Ollex bus ticket from Riga Airport to Šiauliai follow this link: