Transport Logistics Technologies
In order to transport goods and passengers quickly, safely and comfortably between cities or countries at the lowest possible cost, you need not only a reliable vehicle and a good route, but also an engineer who is able to plan, manage, assess market conditions and use the latest information technology.
Communicative, quick-oriented people, who like to communicate, capable to adapt to the circumstances, choosing the Transport Logistics Technologies study programme at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija, will certainly be satisfied with the wide career opportunities that open up for them, as they will be able to manage freight and passenger transportation by rail, road, warehouse operations, and logistics.
Studies at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija can be combined with work – both in full-time and part-time mode. Individual needs are acommodated on a case-by-case basis.
HERE you can see the material base of the study programmes in the field of transport engineering.
Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?
Students learn to manage freight transportation by rail, road, warehouse operations, and logistics. During the studies, various computer applications are used. This programme is the only one in Lithuania that prepares specialists in transport logistics not in management, but in engineering field!
Further possible career paths
Access to professional activity | Graduates work as technologists, operators, managers in various private or public companies transporting freight and passengers by road or rail transport, bus and taxi fleets, create and manage transport service companies. |
Access to further study |
Studies can be continued at universities under the programmes of Transport Engineering field of Engineering Sciences study fields group and other fields of study programmes. After completion of bridge courses or fulfilling other requirements of the accepting higher education institution, students can pursue second cycle Master's studies. |
Study programme information
Mode and duration | Full-time – 3 years, Part-time – 4 years |
Study Programme national code | 6531EX051 |
Scope of the study | 180 credits (ECTS) |
Language of instruction | English |
Field of education | Transport Services |
Group of study fields | Technological Sciences |
Study field | Transport Engineering |
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded | Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences |
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee | The Head of Transport Engineering Sciences Department Sigita Tautkevičienė, email, tel. +370 41 52 50 73. |

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes
Objective of a study programme – to train qualified specialists capable to design, organize and control sustainable technological processes of road and rail transport logistics by applying smart technologies that enable the digitization and automation of transport logistics operations.
Learning outcomes |
Knowledge and its application |
1. To know the general laws of mathematics, physics, mechanics, materials science, and electronics; 2. To know the essential concepts of engineering sciences study field and to understand their content; 3. To know the basic and up-to-date vehicle structures, the principles of their operation and maintenance; 4. To understand the criteria for the selection of structural and maintenance materials; 5. To know logistics business management systems, information technologies and possibilities of their use; 6. To know the system structure of transport, its elements, specifics of vehicle usage and development trends.
Special (engineering analysis and design) skills |
7. To analyze the technological process of passenger and/or freight transportation, to understand and interpret the results obtained; 8. To analyse and estimate passenger or and/or freight flows using appropriate methods; 9. To select vehicles considering their technical and maintenance characteristics, route peculiarities and environmental conditions. 10. To apply logistics information technologies when designing the technological process of freight or passenger transportation; 11. To solve the problems of designing the technological process of freight or passenger transportation, taking into account legal and environmental requirements and cost-effectiveness; 12. To develop sustainable freight technology, taking into account the requirements of legislation, the principles of the circular economy, and the possibilities of using artificial intelligence. |
Ability to carry out research and practical activitie |
13. To collect and analyze data necessary for technological solutions of transport logistics problems utilizing information networks and databases; 14. To assess the possibilities of providing freight and/or passenger transportation services; 15. To have work skills with technological and laboratory equipment used in transport engineering. 16. To optimally manage the technological process of transportation by ensuring safe traffic on the road, taking into account the transportation conditions and the organization of vehicle technical maintenance; 17. To organize the loading and storage process, ensuring employee safety, business digitization principles and developing the concept of sustainability; 18. To understand and evaluate the business environment and opportunities, to plan and organize the activities of the company (branch), to control the financial flows of the company. |
Personal (decision-making, lifelong learning, collaboration and teamwork) skills |
19. To communicate with specialists in state and foreign languages, individually and in a team when solving professional tasks; 20. To understand the impact of transport engineering solutions on society and the environment, to be responsible for the quality of activities, to learn independently in changing professional activities. |
Study subjects (modules) and practical training