Technical Exploitation of Automobiles

Those who like technology, are patient and want to have a job that is always in demand, should choose Technical Exploitation of Automobiles study programme. This study programme aims to train qualified specialists capable of performing automobile technical maintenance, diagnostics and repair while selecting innovative technological and organizational aids and ensuring the quality and responsibility.

The Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija has modern automobile technical maintenance and diagnostics workshops.

Graduates of this programme have been presenting their own created vehicles as graduation papers for several years in a row: a sports car, an electric recreational karting, an electric scooter, a four-wheel electric bicycle, electric three-wheel bicycles.

The practical skills acquired during the academic years lead to particularly good employability of graduates.

Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?

In modern automobile technical maintenance and diagnostics workshops, students together with their teachers creatively apply their knowledge and experience, construct various simulation stands, and practically operate impressive vehicles, such as a prototype sports car, electric karting, electric scooter or electric four-wheeled bicycle.

Further possible career paths

Access to professional activity
Graduate will be able to work as an engineer, a foreman, a head of automobile repair and exploitation company, auto service, automobile technical inspection center or could set up a private business and run it.
Access to further study Graduate will be able to continue studies at universities under the programmes in the group of study fiels of Engineering Sciences in the study field of Transport Engineering

Study programme information

Mode and duration Full-time – 3 years. Part-time – 4 years.
Study Programme national code 6531EX048
Scope of the study 180 credits (ECTS)
Language of instruction English
Field of education Engineering and engineering trades
Group of study fields Engineering Sciences
Study field Transport Engineering
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee The Head of Transport Engineering Sciences Department Sigita Tautkevičienė, email, tel. +370 41 52 50 73.

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes

The aim of ATE study programme is to  prepare qualified specialists capable of performing automobile technical maintenance, diagnostics and repair while selecting innovative technological and organizational aids and ensuring the quality and responsibility of the professional performance results.

Learning outcomes

To acquire skills and abilities:

1. Graduate will know and be able to apply methods and techniques of parameters calculation and technical aids and their management methods

2. Graduate will know the system structure of transport, its elements, specifics of vehicle usage and development trends

3. Graduate will know vehicle constructions, principles of their operation and exploitation, construction and exploitation materials

4. Graduate will understand the environmental and road safety implications of land transport

Graduate will be able to perform engineering analysis:

5. Graduate will be able to identify and evaluate automobile mechanisms, units as well as structural elements of the system and their interactions;

6. Graduate will independently analyze and evaluate automobile diagnostics parameters and measurement results.

To have knowledge and skills necessary to perform project works in Land Transport Engineering study field:


Graduate will be able to carry out applied research:


7. Graduate will perform automobile technical maintenance and repair projection as well as exploitation tasks considering scientific and technological advancements;

8. Graduate will choose optimal technological equipment, aids and materials necessary to carry out automobile technical maintenance or repair                

9. Graduate will collect and analyze data necessary for innovation implementation utilizing information networks and databases;

10. Graduate will carry out applied research, utilizing laboratory and industrial equipment, discuss the results of testing and laboratory work and present findings;

11. Graduate will have work skills with technological equipment used for automobile diagnostics, technical maintenance and repair works.
To have practical knowledge and skills to solve engineering problems:

To have personal and social abilities:

12. Graduate will carry out technological process of technical maintenance and repair of automobiles;

13. Graduate will organize and carry out automobile technical maintenance and material provision for repairs;

14. Graduate will apply economically based engineering solutions that reduce pollution of the environment and increase vehicle safety as well as ensure safe working conditions

15. Graduate will communicate with specialists while dealing with professional challenges, and be responsible for the quality of activity as well as study independently in changing professional activity field;

16. Graduate will understand and assess the business environment opportunities, planning as well as organize activities of a company (branch).

Study subjects (modules) and practical training




Semester I

Semester III

Semester V

Materials Science
Engineering and Computer Graphics
Information Technologies
Physical Education

Automobile Electric and Electronic Equipment
Automobile Maintenance
Automobile Equipment Practice
Work Safety
Metal Technology
Transport System
Freely elective subjects

Practice of Technologies of Car Service Companies
Environmental Protection
Transport Economics
Engine Management Systems / Automobile Technical Expertise
Communication Psychology / Engineering Research
Philosophy / Sociology
Basic of Management / Law of Transport

Semester II

Semester IV

Semester VI

Professional Foreign Language
Engineering and Computer Graphics
Electrotechnics and Electronics
Technical Measurements
Technical Mechanics
Physical Education

Automobile Diagnostics
Technology of Automobile Repair
Technologies of Car Service Companies
Practice of Technologies of Car Service Companies
Special and Specialized Aumobiles  / Car Service Technological Equipment
Communication Psychology / Engineering Research
Freely elective subjects

Transport Economics
Safe Exploitation of Automobiles
Body Repair / Engine Repair
Pre-graduation Practice Final Project

I metai II metai III metai IV metai
  • Eksploatacinės medžiagos
  • Informacinės technologijos
  • Matematika
  • Automobiliai
  • Fizika
  • Inžinerinė ir kompiuterinė grafika
  • Techninė mechanika
  • Automobilių įrangos praktika
  • Elektrotechnika ir elektronika
  • Techniniai matavimai
  • Specialybės anglų kalba / Specialybės rusų kalba / Specialybės vokiečių kalba
  • Automobilių techninė priežiūra
  • Aplinkos apsauga
  • Automobilių diagnostika
  • Automobilių remonto technologija
  • Saugus automobilių eksploatavimas
  • Specialieji ir specializuotieji automobiliai / Automobilių serviso technologinė įranga
  • Laisvai pasirenkamas dalykas
  • Automobilių serviso įmonių technologijų praktika
  • Transporto ekonomika
  • Variklių valdymo sistemos / Automobilių techninė ekspertizė
  • Kėbulų remontas / Variklių remontas
  • Vadybos pagrindai / Transporto teisė
  • Automobiliai
  • Fizika
  • Medžiagų mokslas
  • Transporto sistema
  • Inžinerinė ir kompiuterinė grafika
  • Techninė mechanika
  • Specialybės anglų kalba / Specialybės rusų kalba / Specialybės vokiečių kalba
  • Automobilių elektros ir elektronikos įranga
  • Darbuotojų sauga
  • Metalų technologija
  • Automobilių techninė priežiūra
  • Specialybės kalba
  • Laisvai pasirenkamas dalykas
  • Automobilių serviso įmonių technologijos
  • Automobilių serviso įmonių technologijų praktika
  • Variklių valdymo sistemos / Automobilių techninė ekspertizė
  • Bendravimo psichologija / Inžineriniai tyrimai
  • Filosofija / Sociologija
  • Civilinė sauga
  • Kėbulų remontas/ Variklių remontas
  • Transporto ekonomika
  • Baigiamoji praktika
  • Baigiamasis projektas