Production Engineering
If you want not only to use the achievements of the industrial revolution, but also to become a part of it, choose the Production Engineering Study Programme implemented at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija.
Graduates of the Programme have the best career possibilities – after all, they are characterized by engineering versatility, know how to use modern software design packages, are able to install and maintain CNC machines, mechatronic systems, laser devices, and perform digital production supervision engineering and consulting work.
If you have an engineering mindset, consider the prospects and become a production engineer!
This programme has already been evaluated by business – in June 2021 it was awarded the quality label “Investors‘ Spotlight” by the foreign investment development agency “Invest in Lithuania”.
In addition, the Programme students have the possibility to continue their studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design of Kaunas University of Technology.
Studies at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija can be combined with work – both in full-time and part-time mode. Individual solutions are acommodated on a case-by-case basis.
Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?
Students in modern laboratories design and manufacture logistics robots, robotic logistics terminals, strengthen practical skills by installing, combining and operating pneumatic devices and hydraulic system elements.
Further possible career paths
Access to professional activity |
Graduates of the Production Engineering study programme will be able to work in production companies as technologists-programmers, capable to work with modern technologies; foremen, production managers, capable to organize the production process, understanding the importance of modernizing production processes, capable to select, assemble and adjust new equipment. The shortage of these specialists is felt in the innovative manufacturing sector, which is based on advanced technologies and has potential for development. |
Access to further study |
Graduates can continue their studies in Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions in mechanical and electronic engineering study fields second cycle study programmes. |
Study programme information
Mode and duration | Full-time – 3 years, Part-time – 4 years |
Study Programme national code | 6531EX062 |
Scope of the study | 180 credits (ECTS) |
Language of instruction | English |
Field of education | Engineering and engineering trades |
Group of study fields | Engineering Sciences |
Study field | Production and Manufacturing Engineering |
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded | Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences |
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee | The Head of Engineering Sciences Department Saulius Palepšaitis, email, tel. +370 41 52 50 98 |

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes
Objective of a study programme – to prepare a production engineering specialist having integrated knowledge of mechanical, electronic and information technologies as well as production organization, capable to understand technological processes, automated production, manage and supervise technological equipment, design and improve mechanical and mechatronic systems, independently adopt and implement solutions, innovatively work under competitive conditions and improve in professional activities.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and its application |
1. To have general fundamental knowledge of mathematics, physical and technological sciences, allowing to understand and describe the processes taking place in the study field of production engineering; 2. To know the essential concepts of production engineering and understand their content; 3. To know the materials used in production, their properties, criterion of selection and ways of processing; 4. To understand the management of technological equipment; 5. To know the principles of digital production, cloud manufacturing processes, the Internet of Things, business management systems and augmented reality. |
Special (engineering analysis and design) skills |
6. To evaluate processes in mechatronic systems when performing basic calculations, comparing and choosing conceptual solutions 7. To analyze and compare characteristics of materials, tools and equipment when developing the digital processing model 8. To formulate and perform design tasks in accordance with the standards and requirements defined by technical norms 9. To utilize computer programmes for calculation and design of mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and automatic systems |
Ability to carry out research and practical activities |
10. To collect and analyse data to solve the set production tasks using various information sources and databases 11. To carry out research of technological equipment management parameters, formulate practical conclusions 12. To have the skills to work with typical equipment used in the production engineering study field 13. To establish technological processes by selecting technological equipment and tools, applying the principles of digital production 14. To select production equipment components to carry out production processes 15. To maintain and manage technological equipment, assessing its reliability and controlling the quality of the production 16. To implement production projects taking into account modern economic, environmental and human safety aspects 17. To apply the concepts of artificial intelligence and sustainability in the development of production projects 18. To collaborate with professionals of other professional activities |
Personal (decision-making, lifelong learning, collaboration and teamwork) skills |
19. To communicate professionaly with specialists and clients in Lithuanian and foreign languages, when solving professional tasks, to learn independently in changing professional activities. 20. To independently organize activities of a company (branch), while understanding responsibility for the results of engineering activities |
Study subjects (modules) and practical training
Full-time study subjects and practices are presented here. Part-time studies last 4 years, the sequence of subjects may vary.
Semester I |
Semester III |
Semester V |
Semester VII |
Enviromental and Human Safety |
Technological Equipment for Materials Processing |
Production Technologies
Semester 2 |
Semester IV |
Semester VI |
Semester VIII |
Engineering Research |
Computer-aided Design of Materials Processing |
Economy of Companies and Management Graduation Practice Graduation Project |