Those who like to see work results immediately, are communicative, think creatively and are into exact sciences can’t go wrong when choosing the Construction study programme at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija.
This internationally recognized (with the Evalag label) study programme is classical but having highly modern study base (well equipped laboratories of building materials, geodesy, and construction workshops) makes it possible to become a qualified civil engineer, who easily will find a job in the whole world.
Studies at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija can be combined with work – both in full-time and part-time mode. Individual needs are accommodated on a case-by-case basis.
Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?
Modern equipment is used for studies: well equipped building materials and geodesy laboratories, as well as construction workshops. The Construction study programme has been awarded the Evalag accreditation mark, which proves the international accreditation of the study programme. This programme is the only one of all construction engineering programmes offered in Lithuanian higher education institutions, which was evaluated by international experts with the highest possible rating.
Further possible career paths
Access to professional activity | Graduates can work as building designers, construction managers, managers, estimators in building design companies, public and private companies operating in the construction sector or can create their own business. |
Access to further study |
Studies can be continued at universities under the Civil Engineering field and other fields of Engineering Sciences study fields group of study programmes. After completion of bridge courses or fulfilling other requirements of the accepting higher education institution, students can pursue second cycle Master's studies. |
Study programme information
Mode and duration | Full-time – 3 years. Part-time – 4 years. |
Study Programme national code | 6531EX050 |
Scope of the study | 180 credits (ECTS) |
Language of instruction | English |
Field of education | Architecture and Construction |
Group of study fields | Engineering Sciences |
Study field | Construction Engineering |
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded | Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences |
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee | The Head of Engineering Sciences Department Saulius Palepšaitis, email, tel. +370 41 52 50 98 |

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes
The Programme aim is to prepare creatively thinking, communicative, responsible construction engineering specialists capable to independently plan, organize and technically manage construction works, taking into account the development of the principles of construction digitization, environmental protection and sustainability, as well as seeking to improve in professional activities.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and its application |
1. To have a general knowledge of mathematics, physical and technological sciences to understand and describe the processes taking place in construction engineering. 2. To know the most important concepts, properties and areas of use of construction materials, products and structural elements. 3. To acquire fundamental and up-to-date knowledge of construction engineering applied in practice. 4. To know the principles of digital construction, data and process management systems and their application possibilities. |
Special (engineering analysis and design) skills |
5. To analyze and select structural building solutions, structural and computational schemes, while applying logical thinking, analysis and modelling skills. 6. To analyze and apply international, European and Lithuanian standards in design and construction process 7. To apply specialized computer programmes and building information modelling principles when designing and organizing building construction processes in accordance with the established technical, economic and environmental requirements. |
Ability to carry out research and practical activities |
8. To collect the necessary information, systematize and interpret it when solving construction engineering problems. 9. To have practical skills in working with geodesic, building diagnostic devices and building materials and structures analysis equipment, to analyze the results obtained and to present conclusions. 10. To select and apply technological processes of general construction and repair works. 11. To evaluate and prepare the documentation necessary for the commencement and execution of construction, ensuring work safety, fire safety, environmental protection and building maintenance administration. 12. To participate in working groups in the implementation of digitalised construction projects, taking into account the principles of circular economy, ethics, environmental protection, occupational safety and health and sustainability. |
Personal (decision-making, lifelong learning, collaboration and teamwork) skills |
13. To have teamwork skills, be capable to communicate with managers, employees, clients and society as well as independently deepen knowledge seeking to improve professional qualification. 14. To understand engineering solutions impact on society and environment and assume responsibility for results of engineering activities. |
Study subjects (modules) and practical training
Semester I |
Semester III |
Semester V |
Semester VII |
Semester II |
Semester IV |
Semester VI |
Semester VIII |
International mobility possibilities
Dicle Üniversitesi, Turkija; Zirve Üniversitesi, Turkija; Sakarya Üniversitesi, Turkija, Rīgas Celtniecības koledža, Latvija, Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti, Rumunija ir kt.