Software Engineering
While everyone talks and writes about a constant shortage of specialists in the field of software engineering, why not to take advantage of this opportunity to get enrolled in the study of programme of Software Engineering, carried out at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?
It is great if you like information technologies - in 3 - 4 years of study you will learn to professionally design, program, test, implement and maintain program systems and apply security solutions.
Organizations managing large flows of information are looking for such specialists!
To have more confidence in a workplace, you can choose from three alternatives – online program systems, program systems in your organization's local network, or program systems for smart devices.
Studies at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija can be combined with work – both in full-time and part-time mode. Individual needs are accommodated on a case-by-case basis.
Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?
It is the only study programme of the Software Engineering study field (B03) offered at colleges in Northern and Western Lithuania. Students learn to analyze and evaluate information systems, select the optimal technical and software tools for project implementation, prepare a software project system, implement it, install, test, and ensure the security of the project. Practical skills are developed during four practices. Students can deepen their knowledge in one of the three alternatives intended for deepening in the field: 1) Web Application Systems, 2) Programme Systems in Organization’s Local Network, 3) Programme Systems for Smart Devices
Further possible career paths
Access to professional activity |
The acquired Degree of Professional Bachelor of Computing grants the right to work as a software designer, analyst, programmer, tester and software project manager. |
Access to further study |
Studies can be continued in Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions according to the second cycle study programmes of the field of computing. |
Study programme information
Mode and duration | Full-time – 3 years, Part-time – 4 years |
Study Programme national code | 6531BX040 |
Scope of the study | 180 credits (ECTS) |
Language of instruction | Lithuanian |
Field of education | Information and Communication Technologies (ICT‘s) |
Group of study fields | Computing |
Study field | Software Engineering |
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded | Professional Bachelor of Computing |
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee | The Head of Informatics Science Department lecturer dr. Dalia Rudytė, email, tel. +370 41 52 50 98. |

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes
Objective of a study programme – to prepare a qualified specialist capable of identifying the needs of the organization, analyze information flows, design, program, test and implement programme systems, apply security solutions and independently improve qualification
Learning outcomes |
Knowledge and its application |
1. To explain the concepts of fundamental sciences and software systems, understand their content, relations and applied solutions related to possible future developments and trends in the field of informatics sciences 2. To explain the principles of algorithmisation, human-computer interaction, programming paradigms, languages and technologies, software life cycle stages, development and maintenance methods 3. To know fundamental business, legal and ethical norms and to implement them, ensuring the rights and responsibilities defined in the activities of the informatics specialist 4. To apply design, programming, communication and safety knowledge for development and maintenance of programme systems 5. To understand software systems management, processes, models and methods and explain programme systems specification, design, testing and documentation. |
Research skills |
6. To describe software systems used in an organization and identify the problem of the software system being developed or upgraded 7. To search for information and to prepare the necessary data and information for the solution of the problem analysed in the study field of software systems 8. To analyze data and information according to defined criteria and interpret the results obtained 9. To evaluate data and information and provide reasoned conclusions and optimal solutions for solving the problem of the software system |
Special abilities |
10. To apply software systems life cycle models, project management methods, standards and development tools when solving application software systems challenges 11. To reasonably select software systems development tools, appropriate methodologies and technologies for project creation, development and support 12. To model the needs and requirements, system features, restrictions of the software systems product or service 13. To design software systems architecture, components, user interface and testing programmes in accordance with the set requirements for the software systems 14. To prepare documentation for the design, development, installation and support of the software system 15. To develop software system components using database management and programming tools 16. To implement and supervise the software system in accordance with the applicable standards 17. To evaluate and adapt data security solutions to the system that is being developed 18. To test and evaluate product quality, integration and system detail. |
Social skills |
19. To communicate professionally with professionals on professional topics in national and foreign languages 20. To work in a specialist or interdisciplinary group following professional ethics, principles and rules of social responsibility. |
Personal abilities |
21. To develop the competence of independent and lifelong learning 22. To work independently and take responsibility for own performance results 23. To creatively integrate the acquired knowledge and skills in solving the tasks of professional activities. |
Study subjects (modules) and practical training
Semester I |
Semester III |
Semester V |
Semester 2 |
Semester 4 |
Semester 6 |
Semester I |
Semester III |
Semester V |
Semester VII |
Semester 2 |
Semester IV |
Semester VI |
Semester VIII |