Information Systems Technology

Computers and computer systems are everywhere – even where we don't expect them at all. 

This essential part of everyday life must be maintained by qualified specialists capable to assess users' needs as well as to design, implement and administer computer systems and networks, forsee development posibilities and ensure security.

The Information Systems Technology Study Programme implemented at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija not only provides such a specialist necessary knowledge and skills, but also offers two specializations – Business Systems Technology or Design, Installation and Maintenance of Computer Networks. Which one could be yours?

Studies at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija can be combined with work – both in full-time and part-time mode. Individual needs are acommodated on a case-by-case basis. The Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija offers flexible study schedule.

Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?

Students can choose one of two specializations. Students learn to administer computer networks and configure network operating systems by applying relevant standards and technologies when choosing Design, Installation and Maintenance of Computer Networks specialization.
When choosing Business Systems Technology students learn to implement and administer business systems by applying relevant standards, system life cycle stages and project management methods. Five practices are aimed to develop and strengthen skills.

Further possible career paths

Access to professional activity

The graduate after acquiring Professional Bachelor Degree of Computing will be able to work as an analyst, project manager, database administrator, computer network administrator, business processes analyst, tester, computer network engineer, system administrator.

Access to further study

Upon completion of the study programme Information Systems Technology studies can be continued at universities in the study programmes of the group of computing study fields.
After completion of bridge courses or fulfilling other requirements of the accepting institution, access to the second cycle university studies.

Study programme information

Mode and duration Full-time – 3 years, Part-time – 4 years
Study Programme national code 6531BX021
Scope of the study 180 credits (ECTS)
Language of instruction English
Field of education Engineering and engineering trades
Group of study fields Computing
Study field Informatics Engineering
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded Professional Bachelor of Computing
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee The Head of Informatics Science Department Dr. Dalia Rudytė, email, tel. +370 41 52 50 98.

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes

Objective of a study programme – to train a qualified specialist capable of analysing and defining user needs, assessing, projecting, implementing and administering computer systems and networks, forseeing development opportunities and security assurance, independently improving qualifications and adapting to constant changes in professional activities.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and its application

1. To explain the concepts of informatics engineering and fundamental sciences, understand their content, relations and applied solutions related to possible future developments and trends in the field of computing.
2. To explain the principles of algorithmisation, programming, human-computer interaction, software life cycle stages, development and maintenance methods.
3. To know business,  legal and ethical norms and to implement them, ensuring the rights and responsibilities regulated in the activities of the informatics engineering specialist.
4. To apply projection, programming, communication, cyber security knowledge to the development and support of computer networks / business systems.
5. To explain the structure of computer equipment, its operating principles and application for solving information systems technology problems.

Ability to carry out research

6. To describe the organization's information systems and identify the problem of computer networks / business systems.
7. To carry out search for information and prepare the necessary data and information for the computer network / business system being developed or updated.
8. To analyze information, data and solutions based on reasonable criteria to solve the problem of computer networks / business systems.
9. To choose and provide data and information to solve the problem of computer systems, justifying their suitability.

Special abilities





10. To apply optimal informatics engineering methods to solve the applied problems of computer networks / business systems.
11. To choose software and hardware for project implementation in a reasoned manner.
12. To be able to develop a problem solving algorithm and implement it with selected programming and database management tools.
13. To carry out installation and maintenance work of computer hardware and software.
14. To carry out testing of systems against performance, safety and reliability criteria.
15. To ensure stable operation and development of the prepared project.
16. To collect and describe the requirements for the computer network / business system under development and prepare the project for the system under development.
17a. To administer computer networks and configure network operating systems, applying relevant standards and technologies.
17b. To implement and administer business systems by applying relevant standards, system life cycle stages and project management methods.

Social skills



Personal abilities

18. To communicate professionally in state and foreign languages with professionals on professional topics.
19. To work in a specialist or interdisciplinary group following professional ethics, principles and rules of social responsibility.

20. To develop the competence of independent and lifelong learning
21. To work independently and take responsibility for own performance results
22. To creatively integrate the acquired knowledge and skills in solving the tasks of informatics engineering activities

Study subjects (modules) and practical training

Full-time study subjects and practices are presented here. Part-time studies last 4 years, the sequence of subjects may vary.

Semester I Semester III Semester V
  • Basics of Algorithmization
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Applied Physics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Internet Technologies (integrated practice)
  • Computer Graphics
  • Information Technologies
  • Physical Education


  • IT Project Management
  • Computer Software and Hardware Practice
  • Computer Networks and Cloud Technologies
  • Operating Systems
  • Basics of Programming,
  • Philosophy of Technology / Sociology


  • Information Systems Engineering
  • Specializations Practice
  • Applied Research Methodology
  • Specialization subjects: Computer Network Technologies and Security / WEB Services, Business Processes Analysis and Modelling
  • Professional Ethics / Communication Psychology


Semester II Semester IV Semester VI
  • Internet Technologies (integrated practice)
  • Computer Graphics
  • Database Management
  • Electronics
  • Computer Architecture
  • Professional English / Professional German/ Professional Russian.
  • Professional Language
  • Physical Education


  • Internet of Things
  • Cyber Security
  • Object Oriented Programming (integrated practice)
  • Business Information Systems
  • Business Economics and Business Management
  • Information Systems Engineering


  • Human Safety and Ergonomics
  • Specialization subjects: Programming Network Management, Network Operating Systems and Their Administration / Business Data Analytics, Business Electronic Processes Development and Integration
  • Final Practice
  • Final Project
I metai II metai III metai IV metai
  • Informacinės technologijos
  • Internetinės technologijos
  • Algoritmavimo pagrindai
  • Diskrečioji matematika
  • Taikomoji fizika
  • Internetinės technologijos (integruota praktika) 
  • Kompiuterinė grafika
  • Kūno kultūra


  • Duomenų bazių valdymas
  • Kompiuterių architektūra
  • Operacinės sistemos
  • Sociologija / Technikos filosofija
  • Specialybės kalba


  • Daiktų internetas
  • Kibernetinė sauga
  • Verslo informacinės sistemos
  • Objektinis programavimas 
  • Bendravimo psichologija / Profesinė etika
  • Informacinių sistemų inžinerija
  • Specializacijos praktika
  • Taikomųjų tyrimų metodologija
  • Specializacijų dalykai
  • Kompiuterinių tinklų projektavimas, diegimas ir priežiūra
  •  Programinis tinklų valdymas
  • Verslo sistemų technologija
  • Verslo duomenų analitika
  • Internetinės technologijos (integruota praktika)
  • Kompiuterinė grafika
  • Elektronika
  • Taikomoji matematika
  • Specialybės anglų kalba / Specialybės vokiečių kalba / Specialybės rusų kalba
  • Kūno kultūra
  • Civilinė sauga


  • IT projektų valdymas
  • Kompiuterių programinės ir techninės įrangos praktika
  • Kompiuterių tinklai ir debesų technologijos
  • Programavimo pagrindai
  • Civilinė sauga


  • Objektinis programavimas
  • Įmonių ekonomika ir verslo vadyba
  • Žmonių sauga ir ergonomika
  • Informacinių sistemų inžinerija
  • Specializacijų dalykai
  • Kompiuterių tinklų projektavimas, diegimas ir priežiūra
  • Kompiuterių tinklų technologijos ir sauga
  • Verslo sistemų technologija
  • WEB servisai
  • Verslo procesų analizė ir modeliavimas


  • Specializacijų dalykai
  • Kompiuterinių tinklų projektavimas, diegimas ir priežiūra
  •  Tinklo operacinės sistemos, jų administravimas
  • Verslo sistemų technologija
  • Verslo elektroninių procesų kūrimas ir integracija
  • Baigiamoji praktika
  • Baigiamasis projektas