Productions and Logistics Management
Many directors of manufacturing companies will probably say that it is ideal if the same middle level manager is good not only at the production process within the company, but also at other things that are important to the business – warehousing, packaging, transportation, information and inventory management.
The graduates of the Production and Logistics Management study programme at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija are truly capable of coordinating so many related tasks.
This unique bachelor's degree programme (it is the only one in Lithuania that includes both production management and production logistics) is frequently chosen by communicative, quick-oriented people who like to communicate and cooperate, and are able to adapt to changing circumstances.
A lot of time is allocated for practices, students can choose one of the elective subject alternatives – Production Management or Production Logistics. All of this is for student to become a specialist that businesses are in big need!
Studies at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija can be combined with work – both in full-time and part-time mode. Individual needs are accommodated on a case-by-case basis
Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?
Graduates are specialists in the management of production and its logistics, having not only typical managerial skills and competencies, but are also well versed in the specifics of production processes. Students are trained to manage production processes within the company, product storage, packaging, transportation, inventory, etc.
Further possible career paths
Access to professional activity |
Graduates will be able to choose professional activities in Lithuania and in the European Union countries in production and production logistics, warehousing, etc. companies of various sizes, or create their own production business, and etc. Graduates will be able to work as production management and logistics specialists (foremen) or heads of unit in various private or public production companies. |
Access to further study |
Studies can be continued in higher education institutions in second cycle study programmes of Management and Business fields. |
Study programme information
Mode and duration | Full-time – 3 years. Part-time – 4 years |
Study Programme national code | 6531LX095 |
Scope of the study | 180 credits (ECTS) |
Language of instruction | English |
Field of education | Business and Administration |
Group of study fields | Business and Public Administration |
Study field | Management |
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded | Professional Bachelor of Business Management |
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee | Head of Management and Communication Department Laima Naujokienė, el. p., tel. +370 41 52 50 51 |

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes
The aim of the study programme is to provide students with the knowledge about the planning, organization and coordination of production and production logistics processes and skills that allow constructive application of this knowledge in professional activities, to manage staff, material and information resources and flows, to solve theoretical and practical problems of professional activities and innovation implementation, to communicate and cooperate in professional activities and to work successfully under competitive market conditions.
Learning outcomes |
Knowledge and its application |
1. Knows and applies knowledge that provides practical knowledge of the field of activity, based on the latest scientific insights and / or practical activities when planning, organizing, executing and evaluating production and production logistics processes, and solving complex production business problems. 2. Knows and applies important for business knowledge of production and production logistics, business system management, information technologies, engineering and computer graphics, materials engineering, production technologies, personnel management, principles of social responsibility and ethics. |
Research skills |
3. Is able to collect, systematize and manage data and information, while performing production and production logistics processes as well as when solving production business problems. 4. Is able to carry out applied research by selecting and applying various research methods, analyzes and interprets results of the research. |
Special abilities |
5. Is able to plan, organize, carry out and assess production and production logistics processes by independently choosing technological, organizational and methodical means. 6. Is able to analyze, evaluate and manage production and production logistics personnel, material and information resources. 7. Is able to assess the quality of production and production logistics activities and solve complex problems of production business and innovation implementation, submit proposals on issues of process management improvement. |
Social skills |
.8. Is able to express fluently and persuasively thoughts orally and in writing while communicating and cooperating with partners, clients and coworkers, discuss and negotiate production and production logistics issues in Lithuanian and foreign languages. 9. Is able to work individually and in a team, take responsibility for the production and production logistics activities, results and quality of own and subordinate employees, follow the principles of social justice, professional ethics and citizenship in professional activities. |
Personal abilities |
10. Is able to analyze problems independently, innovatively and creatively develops production and production logistics knowledge and skills necessary for continuous professional development and dissemination of experience. 11. Perceives moral and social responsibility for the impact of his/her activity and its results on public, economic and cultural development, wellbeing and environment. |
Study subjects (modules) and practical training
Semester I |
Semester III |
Semester V |
Semester 2 |
Semester 4 |
Semester 6 |
Semester I |
Semester III |
Semester V |
Semester VII |
Semester 2 |
Semester IV |
Semester VI |
Semester VIII |